Awards & Endorsements
David Hawkins Award
— For outstanding achievement in curriculum development, 1996
Curricular Innovator Award
— Awarded for Singing Social Skills with Clyde and Friends™ and Power Skills™, 1997 and 1998 respectively
‘Rising Star’ Program Award
— by the Michigan Association of School Boards, (MASB) 2000
In a three-year study of the programs, classroom teachers reported, across the board, a 100% increase in the number of students receiving the highest rankings in their classroom for mastery of all ten skills presented. Disciplinary action, resulting in detention or office referral dropped 63% for third graders, 33% for fourth graders, and 81% for fifth graders in the same study.
“All teachers use and fully support this program. They have seen positive change in the students’ attitude, self esteem, demeanor, and method of dealing with conflict.”
—Judy Bonne,
District curriculum director and author of “Natural Connections: Developing the Personal Intelligence’s through Music and Movement”
“Original pop songs, dynamic classroom components, clever assessments and exciting incentives provide opportunities for staff, parents, and community members to participate.
— Kathy Sergeant,
NCA State Director, at their 104th annual meeting, 1999
“The programs (Singing Social Skills with Clyde and Friends™ and Skill Power™ are in sync with the best practices presented in our university instruction for future teachers and administrators throughout the state.”
— Jerry Judge,
Principal and professor of education
“The programs’ authors brilliantly intuited what current brain research has shown conclusively; namely, the most effective method of increasing emotional intelligence and reaching affective goals is through music and art.”
— Gary Howling, Child psychologist, author, lecturer, New Horizons for Learning Board of Directors member